10 Most Useful Microsoft Word Secret Tricks, But Unfortunately Not Many People Know

 Not many know

Who doesn't know Microsoft Words As a computer user, of course you are very familiar with a program called Microsoft Word. This program was first released long before Microsoft Windows was released, namely in 1983 while the last was the 2013 version of Word and proved to be very efficient for use as a word processor.

We must have memorized the use of the shortcuts 'Ctrl + C' and 'Ctrl + V' to copy and paste. Then is there another secret trick from Microsoft Word to speed up our work? Of course there are, and all the tricks in this article you have written based on personal experience. Here is a list of 10 secret Microsoft Word tricks that you should know.

1. Move faster

If you have a document file with many pages, you can use the shortcut 'Shift + F5' to go back to the last spot we edited. This trick can also be used even if we just closed the document file.

2. Changing from lowercase to UPPERCASE or vice versa

To quickly change from lowercase to uppercase or vice versa, you can use the shortcut 'Shift + F3'. The method for changing the word must be blocked first, then press 'Shift + F3' several times until it is what you want. This trick is very useful when we forget to turn off CAPSLOCK when typing.

3. Block is faster

To block the entire paragraph you can triple click the paragraph area whereas if you only want to block one sentence you can use the shortcut 'CTRL + click' in the sentence area.

There is one other way to block squares like Photoshop's marquee tool by pressing 'Alt' and dragging the mouse cursor.

4. Move text

The way that is commonly used when we want to move text is by 'copy + delete + paste'. Actually, to move text faster we can use the shortcut 'CTRL + F3' to copy and delete text then press 'CTRL + Shift + F3' to paste the text. This can be done also on an image or on text from another document file.

Another way that can be used is after blocking press the F2 key then move the cursor to the desired place then press ENTER.

Also read: How to Convert Word to PDF in Seconds, Easy and Fast!

5. Type anywhere on a page

Did you know that we can use a WORD document page like a whiteboard where we can write anywhere?

Just double click anywhere on the page and type the word you want to write.

6. Convert to 'plain text'

Have you ever copied and pasted an article on the internet and it turns out that the results in WORD are messy? If you want to remove styling, you can block it first and then press 'CTRL + Spacebar' or 'CTRL + Shift + N' to change it to 'plain text'.

7. Adding filler

When we want to see the final result of a font, we usually choose a font then type in an irregular word (filler) or block a paragraph and then choose a font. There is a way to quickly write fillers by typing = rand (p, l) where p is the number of paragraphs and l is the number of words in the paragraph.

If you have trouble understanding it, you can immediately put it into practice. Try opening a blank page then type = rand (4,3) to write a filler of 4 paragraphs each containing 3 words then press ENTER.

8. Automatic page break

If you want to create a page break or a new page, have you ever pressed ENTER repeatedly until a new page appears? There is a faster way by pressing 'CTRL + Enter'.

If you create page breaks manually, when you edit the previous page, the next page will also change. It's different when you create a page break with "CTRL + Enter".

9. Copying text format

This shortcut will be very useful when we only want to copy the formatting of a text and not the text itself. Block the word you want to copy the format first then press 'CTRL + Shift + C' to copy the text format. Meanwhile, for pasting, you can use 'CTRL + Shift + V'.

Likewise, when we copy text with 'CTRL + C', the text format is still stored in the computer memory as long as we haven't closed the WORD program.

10. Repeats the last command

WORD remembers the last command you performed and pressing F4 will automatically repeat the command.

This will be very useful when we are editing a file. To understand it, you try to block a word then add 'CTRL + B' then block another word then press F4.

Those are 10 secret Microsoft Word tricks that you can try. Hopefully you can try this trick right away and be useful.

10 Most Useful Microsoft Word Secret Tricks, But Unfortunately Not Many People Know